Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Note From The Editor

First I want to take the time and thank everyone single person who reads the Central Maine Sports Blog (and that is becoming a much larger number than I ever would have anticipated).

Second I want to apologize for lumping one person's comments in with someone else's. These of course are the things that happen you try and guess who the anonymous people are, and as the blog's founding father I should not just assume that someone is someone else just because they are giving an opinion that is opposite of the article written. Much of the venom that may have seeped through the comments section (made on my part) were directed to the wrong person, which again proves the prevailing theory on assumptions. My goal is to have a blog that gives differing opinions, humor, and is a place where people should be able to say what they want without being verbally assaulted. Please feel free to say what you want, and while arguing over articles is condoned, personal attacks shall not be.



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