So it’s Christmas! Well, almost. And since I’m busy wrapping presents, eating disgusting amounts of candy and cookies, not going to the gym, and spending whatever time is left between bites of cookies with loved ones, I’m going to keep it short and sweet this week.
All I want for Christmas is…
Brett Favre to act like a grown man for a WHOLE season or just retire already.
Mike Lowell to be appreciated.
Milan Lucic AND Patrice Bergeron. Perhaps Marc Savard too…
Felger and Mazz to love one another.
A bag for John Lackey’s Sloth face.
Randy Moss to give a shit.
Rasheed Wallace to be struck by a bus (Not fatally. It’s Christmas for Christ’s sake!)
The Bruins to win the cup before I turn 25.
I changed my mind. Randy Moss to go to another team.
Tickets to the Winter Classic (No seriously. Get me some.)
Kathryn Tappen’s job.
Tiger Woods’ money. I slept with him too, you know! What? I swear I did!
Tuukka Time, all the time.
Jason Bay to come back to Boston.
I don’t ask for much. If you or anyone you know can arrange for anything on this list to be taken care of please shoot me a tweet @slew. If not, leave me alone, you internet creep! What do you want for Christmas? (Editor's Note:Don't even think about it, sicko)
Samantha Lewis is the Creative Director for Northshore Editorial and can be found on Twitter right here. She has a mild Swiffer addiction.
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