Dec. 18, 1976
AFC Divisional Playoff
New England @ Oakland

Jan. 19, 2002
AFC Divisional Playoff
Oakland @New England
The Pats are down 13-10 and driving into field goal range in a driving snow storm. Tom Brady drops back to pass as former Michigan teammate Charles Woodson is coming on a corner blitz. Brady pumpfakes once and is drilled by Woodson, the ball comes loose and is recovered by the Raiders. Game over right? The Raiders got us again. I was watching this game at a local watering hole in Sabattus The whole bar just went in total silence. I made the grand statement "They will overturn on this replay, his arm was going forward". 6 or 7 people started laughing, and one guy told me "I will buy your rounds for the rest of the night if your right". I think it had been about 5 weekes earlier I was watching the ticket and the Jaguars had had the same type of play reviewed, it was called an incompletion and replay upheld it. The ref explained as soon as the qb's arm moved forward, regardless of weather he was tucking it away or not, the ball inmmediately became incomplete. I might have been the only Pats Fans in the world who felt confident. I knew the rule before it was known as "The Tuck Rule" and I could see visions of Raymond Berry sticking with a scared Tony Eason dancing in my head.

So, as we prepare for tonight's Ring Ceremony and get ready for the replay of the tuck rule, remember that the Raiders were owed that one, and it least we got ours playing by the rules. Committment to Excellence my ass, it should be Committment to Whining. Oh and for those of you that feel bad, remember the Raiders got their Super Bowl shot the next year and got beaten by Tampa Bay!!! So have fun Al Davis, and remember, that Member's Only jacket was pretty cool back when you won your last Super Bowl.
Pats 27-17 tonight. Write That down...
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